A large company in western Sweden installed a large micro machine that heats oat kernels quickly and efficiently. It is a large quantity to be dried – about 3 tons/hour. The machine heats the kernels without destroying the beta-glucan, important vitamins and minerals while killing bacteria. Beta-glucans have the effect of lowering cholesterol levels and stabilizing blood sugar levels. Beta-glucans are found Oatmeal, oat bran, oat drink (and other dairy products made with oats as a base) and barley flour are examples of products that contain beta-glucans. Oatmeal is a staple product in most pantries and is used to make traditional oatmeal, but is also commonly used in baked goods and bread. The oat kernel contains about 6-8% beta-glucan. The cholesterol-lowering effect is achieved with a daily intake of 3 g of beta-glucan, which corresponds to approx. 2 portions of oat porridge or 1 portion of oat bran porridge.
But, what many do not know is that beta-glucans are also found in yeast and medicinal mushrooms, where they are part of the cell walls. However, when people talk about beta-glucans in everyday speech, it is most common to refer to the beta-glucans in oats and barley. However, beta-glucans from mushrooms have several interesting effects. It is also the case that health effects differ depending on whether they come from grains or from mushrooms.
The machine can also be advantageously used for animal feed to remove salmonella.