Industrigatan 5 • 541 57 Skövde • Sweden

Microwave Drying in Microalgae Processing

We have successfully tested the drying of Diatoms Algica, an unicellular microscopic algae. When dried the algae can be applied as a component in product development, in many market segments. Examples are cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, etc.

To verify our findings, testing was carried out in a variety of Microwave drying machines parameters during multiple testing sessions.

Using microwave drying instead of more conventional and energy intensive drying methods has several advantages. It is a more energy-efficient process with faster drying times and more even heat distribution. The gains can be measured both financially and based on other resource savings, such as less man power needed in production process and higher throughput.

During our tests we confirmed that complete drying was achieved repeatedly in less than one hour, depending on selected parameters and quantity of algae to be dried. The water content was reduced from well over 90% down to well below 10% in the process.

“Our successful testing adds one more use case to the ever growing number of applications microwave technology has, such as: paper and pulp, asphalt, paint, seaweed, all types of sludge, graphene, shell fish, glue, wood, (multicellular algae) which we have tested 2 years ago and now unicellular algae”.

Contact Joe Cunningham at Pegust for more information.
‭+46 76-144 31 88‬


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