Industrigatan 5 • 541 57 Skövde • Sweden

The market's lowest energy consumption

Pleasant air, right temperature and right humidity are prerequisites for us to feel good. Pegust is a pioneer in the industry and our innovative products are developed to create a better and healthier indoor climate.

Pegust is always at the forefront when it comes to development, flexibility and energy saving. Our air treatment units minimize operating costs and reach an efficiency of around 95 percent.

The right components – the right skills

Requirements and wishes vary depending on the premises and the business being conducted. Pegust helps you with planning and drawings for everything from simple supply air units to advanced air treatment facilities, which we then develop and produce ourselves.

We have a “passion” for customized solutions!

The greater the customized challenge, the more we thrive on designing the optimal solution. All model variants are custom-made and delivered in split versions, as modules or as flat packages, so-called Flat Packs. You also have the option of choosing the material and color to best fit in with the surroundings. All units can be adapted for placement outdoors and can also be supplemented with a service corridor. The units have several communication options and can be delivered with integrated control equipment, for example monitoring via the network, built-in web server, modem and SMS alarms.

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Clean and odorless in Trollhättan

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Pegust Indoor climate and air treatment

Heat pump that cools and heats

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